jMonkeyEngine Documentation

This documentation wiki contains installation and configuration guides, jME coding tutorials and other information that will help you get your game project going. You can search the contents of this wiki using the “Wiki” menu search box at the top of each page.

You are also very welcome to fix mistakes or spelling as well as unclear paragraphs using the “Wiki” menu “Edit” and “Add” buttons. You have to be logged into GitHub to edit the wiki. You can learn more about editing and contributing under the Contribute heading.

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The forum is your first stop when reporting bugs, making contributions, discussing wiki content, or anything else that you can’t get the answer for by reading the wiki or searching the forum archives. You will find it to be a friendly and inviting place to have discussions, but before posting, there are two minor rules you will need to observe.

  1. For questions that include code, learn how to use code blocks. If you fail to do so, you will at best be reminded of your lapse in judgment and may not receive an answer to your question at all otherwise. See the Github Tips page for info on how to insert links into your posts.

  2. Uploading pictures is disabled with the exception of a 50k disk space allowance for a forum avatar.


Before installing, check the license, features, and requirements. Then choose one of these options:

Recommended Optional Optional

You want to…

Get started with jMonkeyEngine

Use jMonkeyEngine in another IDE

Build custom engine from sources

Then download…

You receive…

SDK, binaries, javadoc, sources

Binaries, javadoc, sources


Learn more here…

* The SDK creates Ant-based projects that any Java IDE can import. We recommend users of other IDEs to also download the jMonkeyEngine SDK and choose File  Import Project  External Project Assets to create a codeless project for managing assets only. This way you can code in the IDE of your choice, and use the SDK to convert your models to .j3o format.



You are welcome to contribute and inquire about the project: Please contact the developers or ask on the forums.


The team is looking for other monkeys that would be interested in a wiki translation of [insert your favorite language here]. If you’re interested in hosting translations see Wiki Translation Repositories.