jMonkeyEngine Team


  • iwgeric [Retired] - Joined Aug 14, 2011

  • pspeed - Paul Speed - Joined Jan 9, 2006

  • Sploreg [Retired] - Brent Owens - Joined Oct 22, 2008

  • nehon [Retired] - Rémy Bouquet - Joined Jun 2, 2010

  • normen [Retired] - Normen Hansen - Joined Oct 16, 2008

  • Momoko_Fan - Kirill Vainer - Joined Mar 22, 2007

  • sGold - Stephen Gold - Joined Jun 8, 2013

  • Riccardo - Riccardo Balbo - Joined Feb 17, 2014

... and a big, everlasting thanks to all our contributors! The list of contributors is too long too keep track of, and frankly subjective. There’s certainly some cool monkeys out there who deserves more recognition, but we’ve done our best to mark the people you should mentally ‘high five’ with a simple “Contributor” sticker. They shouldn’t be too hard to find on the forum: Along with the developers, they’ll be the ones helping you out.