Setting up JME3 in Eclipse

For development with the jMonkeyEngine 3, we recommend to use the jMonkeyEngine SDK.

Alternatively, you can use your favorite IDE: In this tutorial we show how to download and set up the latest nightly build of the jMonkeyEngine 3 for use with the Eclipse IDE. Instructions for NetBeans IDE are also available.

Downloading jME3

The currently available JAR binaries are the nightly builds.

  1. Download the most recent zipped build from

  2. Unzip the file and save it as jME3.2-stable in your home directory ($HOME). You should see the following files and directories:

    • lib/ – The jMonkeyEngine binaries, and libraries used by the jMonkeyEngine. (Don’t remove)

    • jMonkeyEngine3.jar – Run this to see various feature demos. (optional)

    • javadoc/ – jME3 API documentation. (optional)

Creating a New Game Project

  • In Eclipse, choose File  New  Java Project

  • Project Name: HelloJME3

  • Click Finish

The new project appears in the Explorer.

Setting up Dependencies

Your project depends on the jMonkeyEngine libraries and needs to know where they are.

  1. Right-click the project in the explorer and choose Build Path  Add External Archives

  2. In the “JAR” selection dialog, browse to the $HOME/jME3.2-stable directory.

  3. Select all JARs in the lib directory and click Open.

All necessary JAR libraries are now on the classpath and should appear in the Referenced Libraries list. For a detailed description of the separate jar files see this list.

Setting up Assets

The easiest way to make sure the asset manager can access the assets is by adding the assets folder to the classpath.

  1. Go to Project Properties

  2. Select Java Build Path

  3. Under the Source tab click Add Folder

  4. Add your Assets folder

Writing a Simple Application

  1. From the menu call File  New  New Package. Name the src package for example hello.

  2. From the menu call File  New  Class.

    • Select package hello.

    • Name the class for example MyGame.

    • Superclass:

    • Make sure that the checkbox to Create the main() Method is active.

    • Make sure that the checkbox to Inheriting Abstract Methods is active.

    • Click Finish.

You can now continue to write your first jme3 application!