Starting a JME3 application from the command-line

Although we recommend the jMonkeyEngine SDK for developing JME3 games, you can use any IDE (integrated development environment) such as NetBeans or Eclipse, and even work freely from the command-line. Here is a generic IDE-independent “getting started” tutorial.

Installing the JME3 Framework

There are many ways to install the JME framework from the command-line, but for this tutorial we will narrow it down to two, the easy way and the hard way.

Installing with Git (easy way)

You can build JME3 from the sources. (Recommended for JME3 developers.) This example expects Git to be installed on your system.

mkdir jme3
cd jme3

// if you have a rsa key configured
git clone
// or
// if you don't, but you'll be asked for credential after the next command
git clone
//can take a while

// build the engine and install it in your local maven repo.
./gradlew install
What is an RSA key?

The install command will install the built jars into your local maven repositories org.jmonkeyengine folder, which on Linux is ~/.m2, and on Windows might be in AppData, or in your home directory.

To use the engine in a game project, you can use BootMonkey or clone a template project from GitHub.

To use the template, first create a folder for your project:

cd ..
mkdir HelloJME3
cd HelloJME3

Next, clone one of these templates:

After cloning, open the build.gradle file and uncomment the mavenLocal() repository, change the version variable, and uncomment any dependencies you will need:

repositories {
    //This is where jme3 dependencies are stored.

    //Uncomment this if you install local dependencies.

    //Uncomment this if you use external dependencies

    //Uncomment this if you use jme3-niftygui
    //maven{url ''}


ext.jmeVersion = "[3.2,)"


dependencies {

    compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-core:$jmeVersion"
    compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-desktop:$jmeVersion"
    compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-lwjgl:$jmeVersion"

    //Those are jme3 additional library uncomment the ones you need
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-android-native:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-android:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-bullet-native-android:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-blender:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-bullet-native:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-bullet:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-effects:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-jogg:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-jogl:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-lwjgl3:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-networking:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-plugins:$jmeVersion"
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-terrain:$jmeVersion"

    //You need to uncomment nifty repository in the repositories section if you use this dependency
    //compile "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-niftygui:$jmeVersion"

    runtime project(':assets')

For a detailed description of the separate jar files see this list.

That’s it, you’re done. After the clone, you will have a project that contains a source package with a default blue cube JME3 app and a subproject that has the proper asset directory structure for your assets.

Build and run your project and you should see a blue cube.

Manual Download (hard way)

This example shows how to set up and run a simple application (HelloJME3) that depends on the jMonkeyEngine3 libraries.

The directory structure will look as follows:


To install the development version of jme3, download the latest stable release, unzip the folder into a directory named jme3. The filenames here are just an example, but they will always be something like jME3.x-stable.

mkdir jme3
cd jme3
cd ..

Sample Project Directory Structure

First we set up the directory and source package structure for your game project. Note that the game project directory HelloJME3 is on the same level as your jme3 folder. In this example, we create a Java package that we call mygame in the source directory.

mkdir HelloJME3
mkdir HelloJME3/src
mkdir HelloJME3/src/mygame


Next you copy the necessary JAR libraries from the download to your project. You only have to do this set of steps once every time you download a new JME3 build. For a detailed description of the separate jar files see this list.

mkdir HelloJME3/build
mkdir HelloJME3/lib
cp jme3/lib/*.* HelloJME3/lib

Sample Code

To test your setup, create the file HelloJME3/src/mygame/ with any text editor, paste the following sample code, and save.

package mygame;

import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Box;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;

public class HelloJME3 extends SimpleApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        HelloJME3 app = new HelloJME3();

    public void simpleInitApp() {
        Box b = new Box(Vector3f.ZERO, 1, 1, 1);
        Geometry geom = new Geometry("Box", b);
        Material mat = new Material(assetManager,
        mat.setColor("Color", ColorRGBA.Blue);

Build and Run

We build the sample application into the build directory…

cd HelloJME3
javac -d build -cp "lib/eventbus.jar:lib/j-ogg-all.jar:lib/jme3-lwjgl.jar:lib/jme3-bullet.jar:lib/jinput.jar:lib/lwjgl.jar:lib/stack-alloc.jar:lib/vecmath.jar:lib/xpp3.jar:lib/jme3-blender.jar:lib/jme3-core.jar:lib/jme3-desktop.jar:lib/jme3-jogg.jar:lib/jme3-plugins.jar:lib/jme3-terrain.jar:lib/jme3-testdata.jar:lib/jme3-niftygui.jar:lib/nifty-default-controls.jar:lib/nifty-examples.jar:lib/nifty-style-black.jar:lib/nifty.jar:." src/mygame/

… and run it.

cd build
java -cp "../lib/eventbus.jar:../lib/j-ogg-all.jar:../lib/jme3-lwjgl.jar:../lib/jme3-bullet.jar:../lib/jinput.jar:../lib/lwjgl.jar:../lib/stack-alloc.jar:../lib/vecmath.jar:../lib/xpp3.jar:../lib/jme3-blender.jar:../lib/jme3-core.jar:../lib/jme3-desktop.jar:../lib/jme3-jogg.jar:../lib/jme3-plugins.jar:../lib/jme3-terrain.jar:../lib/jme3-testdata.jar:../lib/jme3-niftygui.jar:../lib/nifty-default-controls.jar:../lib/nifty-examples.jar:../lib/nifty-style-black.jar:../lib/nifty.jar:." mygame/HelloJME3
If you use Windows, the classpath separator is \ instead of /.

If a settings dialog pops up, confirm the default settings. You should now see a simple window with a 3-D cube. Use the mouse and the WASD keys to move. It works!

For multi-media files, models, and other assets, we recommend creating the following project structure:

cd HelloJME3
mkdir assets
mkdir assets/Interface
mkdir assets/Materials
mkdir assets/MatDefs
mkdir assets/Models
mkdir assets/Scenes
mkdir assets/Shaders
mkdir assets/Sounds
mkdir assets/Textures

This directory structure will allow SimpleApplication's default AssetManager to load media files from your assets directory, like in this example:

import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
  Spatial elephant = assetManager.loadModel("Models/Elephant/Elephant.meshxml");

You will learn more about the asset manager and how to customize it later. For now feel free to structure your assets (images, textures, models) into further sub-directories, like in this example the assets/models/Elephant directory that contains the elephant.mesh.xml model and its materials.

Next Steps

Now follow the tutorials and write your first jMonkeyEngine game.