
Panel Class

The Panel class extends Element and, like the Label class, it’s only purpose is to provide:

  1. The 3 standard constructors as shown in the Quick Start Guide

  2. Default style information

Constructor 1:

/** Parameters:
  * Screen screen,
  * String UID,
  * Vector2f position

Panel panel = new Panel(screen, “panel”, new Vector2f(15, 15));

Constructor 2:

/** Additional Parameter:
  * Vector2f dimensions  */

Panel panel = new Panel(screen, “panel”, new Vector2f(15, 15),
    new Vector2f(400, 300)

Constructor 3:

/** Additional Parameters:
  * Vector4f resizeBorders,
  * String defaultImg

Panel panel = new Panel(screen, “panel”, new Vector2f(15, 15), new Vector2f(400, 300),
    new Vector4f(14,14,14,14),

The Panel class creates a resizable, movable panel (Window without a dragbar). The entire panel is clickable for moving unless otherwise covered by added child Elements that have not called:


You can disable any of the default behaviors of the Panel class by using the methods described in the Element class.