
Window Class

The window class provides a movable, resizable window with a Drag Bar.

It provides the 3 standard constructors as shown in the Quick Start Guide.

Constructor 1:

/** Parameters:
  * Screen screen,
  * String UID,
  * Vector2f position

Window win = new Window(screen, “win”, new Vector2f(15, 15));

Constructor 2:

/** Additional Parameter:
  * Vector2f dimensions  */

Window win = new Window(screen, “win”, new Vector2f(15, 15),
    new Vector2f(400, 300)

Constructor 3:

/** Additional Parameters:
  * Vector4f resizeBorders,
  * String defaultImg

Window win = new Window(screen, “win”, new Vector2f(15, 15), new Vector2f(400, 300),
    new Vector4f(14,14,14,14),

Once again, default behaviors, such as moving, and resizing can be disabled calling the appropriate setters from the Element class.

Methods specific to the Window Class:

win.getDragBar(); // returns a pointer to the dragbar Element
win.getDragBarHeight(); // returns the height of the dragbar
win.setWindowTitle(String title); // Sets the title displayed in the dragbar