Anatomy of a Wiki Header

All wiki documents use these header attributes. Optional attributes can be left blank following the : colon symbol.

= Enter Document Title Here
:relfileprefix: ../../
:imagesdir: ../..
:stylesheet: twemoji-awesome.css
ifdef::env-github,env-browser[:outfilesuffix: .adoc]


Mandatory. Title of your document.


Optional. Document author.

Optional Author and Revision information immediately follows the header title.


Optional. Revision number.


Optional. Revision Date


Optional. Enter a path to the “asciidoc” folder if using cross reference links.

Use Tree View (ctrl+\ or View  Toggle Tree View) to locate the “asciidoc” folder if using the Atom editor.

In the example below, “asciidoc” is two folders above the folder this file is located in.

:relfileprefix: ../../


Optional. Enter a path to the "images" folder if using image links.

Use Tree View (ctrl+\ or View  Toggle Tree View) to locate the “images” folder if using the Atom editor.

In the example below, “images” is two folders above the folder this file is located in. Note the missing / forward slash.

:imagesdir: ../..

A simple way to determine the location of the "asciidoc" and "images" folder in the Atom editor is first save the file to its new location, then in Tree View (ctrl+\ or View  Toggle Tree View), RMB select the saved file and select Copy Project Path.

Temporarily paste this into your document to see where the “asciidoc” folder is located.

For example: src\docs\asciidoc\jme3\advanced\3d_models.adoc

In this example, "asciidoc" is located two folders above the "advanced" folder 3d_models.adoc resides in.

You can find this same folder information using GitHub.

The “images” folder resides in the same folder as the “asciidoc” folder so it has the same setting minus the / forward slash.


Optional. Leave this blank, i.e do not set a value for this attribute if using it. This is the experimental attribute that allows the use of User Interface Macros. You use these macros for creating keyboard shortcuts, displaying menu selections and UI buttons.

Optional. This is the global attribute for the jME javadocs. You set this if you are overriding the default setting from the build.gradle file. You can use the default {link-javadoc} attribute directly in any document you write, as is shown in the following example, without adding anything to the header.


If you override the variable in the header of the document, that value will be used instead.

:stylesheet: twemoji-awesome.css

Optional. Adding this attribute will allow the use of emoji in the document.

ifdef::env-github,env-browser[:outfilesuffix: .adoc]

Mandatory. See Navigating Between Source Files in the AsciiDoctor user manual. Leave this as written.