
Menu Class

The Menu class extends ScrollArea as Menu’s can be resizable and scrollable if the behaviors are enabled.

Menus contain a list of MenuItems, which provide mapping for sub-menus. This implementation of menu’s negates the need for any form of Menu Manager as the Screen, by default, handles delegating Mouse Events and therefore is (in a sense) a Menu Manager. Menus utilize a single text element with separate highlight element, to keep the rendered meshes to count of 3 for any length menu.


  • Unlimited menu item list

  • Unlimited sub-menu mapping

  • MenuItem toggle states (semi-work-in-progress here)

Menu utilizes the standard 3 constructors as shown in the Quick Start Guide with the addition of a single boolean:

  • isScrollable – appended to the end of the parameter list in each constructor

Abstract Event Methods:

public void onMenuItemClicked(int index, Object value);

Methods specific to the Menu Class:

// Menu manipulation
menu.addMenuItem(String caption, Object value, Menu subMenu); // null if no sub-menu
menu.addMenuItem(String caption, Object value, Menu subMenu, boolean isToggleItem);
menu.addMenuItem(String caption, Object value, Menu subMenu, boolean isToggleItem, boolean isToggled);
menu.insertMenuItem(int index, String caption, Object value, Menu subMenu); // null if no sub-menu
menu.insertMenuItem(int index, String caption, Object value, Menu subMenu, boolean isToggleItem)
menu.insertMenuItem(int index, String caption, Object value, Menu subMenu, boolean isToggleItem, boolean isToggled)
menu.removeMenuItem(int index);
menu.removeMenuItem(String caption);
menu.removeMenuItem(Object value);

// Configuration related methods
menu.setMenuOverhang(float menuOverhang);
menu.setPreferredSize(Vector2f preferredSize)

//Menu item related methods
menu.getMenuItems(); // point to menu item list
menu.getMenuItem(int index);

// Hide/show methods
menu.showMenu(Menu caller, float x, float y); // Caller is null if not show by another menu

// Setting & retrieving an external caller element
menu.setCallerElement(Element el);


public void controlHideHook() {  }

Menu Examples:

Cut & Paste the code below into the simpleInitApp() method of a new JME project to try it out.


screen = new Screen(this);

Menu subMenu = new Menu(
    new Vector2f(0,0),
) {
    public void onMenuItemClicked(int index, Object value, boolean isToggled) {  }
// Add a menu item
subMenu.addMenuItem("Some string caption 1", null, null);
// Add a toggle-able menu item (checkbox)
subMenu.addMenuItem("Some string caption 2", null, null, true);
// Add a toggle-able menu item and set the default state of the checkbox to checked
subMenu.addMenuItem("Some string caption 3", null, null, true, true);

final Menu menu = new Menu(
    new Vector2f(0,0),
) {
    public void onMenuItemClicked(int index, Object value, boolean isToggled) {  }
// Add subMenu as a sub-menu to this menu item
menu.addMenuItem("Some caption", null, subMenu);

ButtonAdapter b = new ButtonAdapter(screen, new Vector2f(50,50)) {
    public void onButtonMouseLeftUp(MouseButtonEvent evt, boolean isToggled) {
        menu.showMenu(null, getAbsoluteX(), getAbsoluteY()-menu.getHeight());
b.setText("Show Menu");