
SelectBox & ComboBox

The combo box and select box works exactly like any other combo box or select box:

  • They both provides the standard 3 constructors

  • The only difference between the two is the SelectBox’s text field is disabled.

  • The SelectBox still allows for arrow key navigation and enter select, though other key input is disabled.

Usage is as follows:

ComboBox combo = new ComboBox(
    new Vector2f(5,5)
combo.addListItem(“Some caption”, “Some value”);
combo.addListItem(“Some caption”, “Some value”);
combo.addListItem(“Some caption”, “Some value”);
combo.addListItem(“Some caption”, “Some value”);
combo.addListItem(“Some caption”, “Some value”);
combo.addListItem(“Some caption”, “Some value”);

Abstract Event Methods:

public void onChange(int selectedIndex, String value);


// Overridable hook for keyboard input events
public void controlKeyPressHook(KeyInputEvent evt, String text) {  }

Set Selected Index via Code

combo.setSelectedIndex(int index);

Methods specific to Combo & Select Boxes:

// Add a list item
combo.addListItem(String caption, String value);
// Insert a list item
combo.insertListItem(int index, String caption, Object value);
// Remove a list item
combo.removeListItem(int index);
combo.removeListItem(String caption);
combo.removeListIten(Object value);

// Sorting methods
combo.sortList(); // Sorts drop-down list standard alpha-numeric
combo.sortListNumeric(); // Sorts drop-down list true numeric

// Drop-down list validation
combo.validateListSize(); //returns false if null or size 0, else returns true;

// Force drop-down list to hide

// Retrieve List Items
combo.getListItemByIndex(int index);