
Button Class

  • Buttons have a default state, a hover state and a pressed state.

  • They implement the tonegodGUI MouseButtonListener & MouseFocusListener interfaces

  • They provide an optional stillPressed event

  • Can either consist of text label or icon

  • They can be set to Toggle mode.

  • They have default effects set for Hover, Pressed & LoseFocus

  • Buttons are an abstract class providing methods for handling user input

Again, the same three options for constructor are available as show in the Quick Start Guide.

Constructor 1:

/** Parameters:
  * Screen screen,
  * String UID,
  * Vector2f position

Button button = new Button(screen, “button”, new Vector2f(15, 15));

Constructor 2:

/** Additional Parameter:
  * Vector2f dimensions  */

Button button = new Button(screen, “button”, new Vector2f(15, 15),
    new Vector2f(100, 25)

Constructor 3:

/** Additional Parameters:
  * Vector4f resizeBorders,
  * String defaultImg

Button button = new Button(screen, “button”, new Vector2f(15, 15), new Vector2f(100, 25),
    new Vector4f(5,5,5,5),

Hover State

You can override the default hover state using the following method:

// Override the information used by the hover effect
button.setButtonHoverInfo(String imagePath, ColorRGBA textHoverColor);

Pressed State

You can override the default pressed state using the following method:

// Override the information used by the pressed effect
button.setButtonPressedInfo(String imagePath, ColorRGBA textPressedColor);

Abstract Event Methods:

public void onButtonMouseLeftDown(MouseButtonEvent evt, boolean toggled);
public void onButtonMouseRightDown(MouseButtonEvent evt, boolean toggled);
public void onButtonMouseLeftUp(MouseButtonEvent evt, boolean toggled);
public void onButtonMouseRightUp(MouseButtonEvent evt, boolean toggled);
public void onButtonFocus(MouseMotionEvent evt);
public void onButtonLostFocus(MouseMotionEvent evt);
public void onButtonStillPressedInterval();

Adding an Icon

In place of text, you can use an image icon by calling the following method:

button.setButtonIcon(float width, float height, String texturePath);

Methods specific to the Button class

//Toggle info
button.setIsToggleButton(boolean isToggleButton); // Also provides a getter

// Additional state info

// Enabling/disabling invternal calls (StillPressed event)
button.setInterval(float intervalsPerSecond); // 0 deactivates

When not otherwise specified, use the primitive Element method for setting the text of a control. For instance, to set the text of the Button instance, you simply call:

button.setText(String text);

ButtonAdapter Class

Tips for using the Button class:

  1. Create a button

  2. Implement all abstract methods

  3. Write your code for the event handlers you wish to use

  4. Change the Button to a ButtonAdapter

  5. Remove all unused event handler methods