
Noises are arrays of random numbers, that “fit together in some way - They’re often used to generate content, for example block worlds. After specifying a noise, the framework will generate the random numbers and place according blocks (the larger the number, the heigher the terrain at this point).

Remember that large noises will take some time to calculate.

Generate a noise


At the moment, the framework supports only one noise type (based on the Diamond-square Algorithm) - You can see a visualization of such a noise at the right.

This is how you can use it:

//Create the block terrain (4x1x4 chunks)
BlockTerrainControl blockTerrain = new BlockTerrainControl(new Vector3Int(4, 1, 4));

//Specify location, size, roughness and the block class
//(The smaller the roughness, the flatter the generated terrain)
blockTerrain.setBlocksFromNoise(new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(64, 50, 64), 0.3f, CubesTestAssets.BLOCK_GRASS);

//Add the block terrain to a node
Node terrainNode = new Node();

Some random results of the according noise:


Further improvements

  • There will be mutltiple noises available and even an interface to define your own noises

  • It will be possible to specify a loader, that selects a “suitable block type dependant on the location